Wintering Into Wisdom
Together, Th" Foursome was legendary around Seven Pines Country Club. Yet, as individuals, Doc, Doug, George, and Harry each face their own courses in life. From balancing solitude, family, intelligence and power, Th" Foursome creates and disassembles a bond on and off the golf course. Wintering Into Wisdom demonstrates the choices made versus the situations dealt in life. While ego and power can overcome and control some, love and loss can overwhelm and envelope others. Doc, Doug, George, and Harry beg the age old question, "What is your meaning in life?" As a PGA professional, golf is more to me than a livelihood. It is a passion. It is a privilege to be involved with the many people who come to enjoy a day on the golf course. Wintering Into Wisdom is a wonderful story that reveals the profound partnership that can be formed between life and the game of golf. In this story, the relationships forged among friends on the golf course become the ingredients used to understand all of life"s meanings and challenges. This is a magnificent portrayal of how one man"s journey is played out both on the course and off. - Jack Snyder, PGA Master Professional and Director of Golf, Spring Creek Golf Course, Gordonsville, Virginia Good friends and sincere conversation make life the joy it should be. Wintering Into Wisdom is filled with the best of both. It has been said that fiction is more real than truth, and Marshall has created characters and events that the reader will believe and love. This book will have a special place in my library, and I will read it again and again. - Douglas A. Fullington, M. D., Plano, TX