What Mandate of Heaven Means to Confucius (Chinese Edition)

Price 8.76 - 9.29 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781625030207

Brand Ehgbooks

書名:孔子心目中的天命歷來對孔子所謂「五十而知天命」一句,言人人殊,難有共識。本書透過歷史的與哲學的雙重取向,釐清周初以降,迄至春秋時代,「天命」概念的發展,同時對照孔子個人的生命史,尤其是五十歲前後的轉捩過程,以期重現孔子心目中「天命」的義蘊。從孔子一生行止的大關節來看,「五十而知天命」的話語脈絡無疑是針對孔子五十左右的「政治的轉向」而言。在這個「政治的轉向」之後,孔子便義無反顧、剛毅而果決地踏上一趟「知其不可而為之」、「行義以達其道」的踐命之旅。本文化商品由美商EHGBooks微出版公司與Amazon亞馬遜網路書店合作出版與發行,EHGBooks由知名的華裔科學家丘宏義博士與漢世紀公司創辦,我們歡迎您加入數位出版新興事業,一同努力為中華文化的保存與發揚貢獻心力。 The Mandate of Heaven (Chinese: 天命; pinyin: Tiānmìng) by Confucius is neither a fate nor the mandate from some authority, or from other mysterious and religious Majesty. Taking both historical and philosophical approaches to investigate the development of its concepts basically upon the original classics; in addition, through the thoughts and life story of Confucius himself, especially during the time of which just before and shortly after the fifties, this Book demonstrates that to Confucius, as a humanist, 天命is no more a kind of legitimacy from divine approval but one inner mission of Imperative. The "political turn" of Confucius in the fifties plays a critical role to understand the real meaning of the words by Confucius: "At fifty, I understood the mandate of Heaven".