Brassey"s Book of the Crusades

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781574884647

The religious fervor of European Christians peaked during the Middle Ages when they embarked on the Crusades, a series of military campaigns carried out to wrest control of the Holy Land from the Muslims. BRASSEY"S BOOK OF THE CRUSADES traces the formation of the Christian military orders and the Saracen armies that opposed them. Such notable leaders as Richard I-Lion-Heart-the king of England, and the Saracen commander, Saladin, are highlighted, as are the advances made in the sophistication of fortifications, siege warfare, armor, and weapons. Liberally illustrated in color with maps, diagrams, and illustrations of the people, places, and battles, BRASSEY"S BOOK OF THE CRUSADES is a highly readable military history of a period that has an enduring fascination for military enthusiasts and the general reader alike.