Chemical Playschool Vol. 11, 12 & 13
Price 47.56 - 49.62 USD
Chemical Playschool 11, 12 & 13 represents the most ambitious Legendary Pink Dots project embarked upon in their 21-year history. The intention was to create a massive, disorientating journey with constantly shifting textures and atmospheres, while retaining a unity. Hence, the rather controversial decision was taken to apply a single code to each volume. It is not a collection of "greatest hits", nor does it have any potential for radio airplay. Work began on the three CD set in September 2000 with a trawl through the Pink Dots" vaults for unfinished material and improvisations. With a target, established singer Edward Ka-Spel applied the finishing touches to many of these pieces. Following this stage, countless new songs were composed and recorded according to what the proposed voyage required. Ultimately the whole thing took one year with small details being added on an almost daily basis. With the completion of this project, LPDs now intend to take things even further. But to where? Stay tuned...