The Truth About Dogs

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780060160388

The Truth About Dogs is a delightful and lovingly drawn homage to the curious idiosyncrasies of man"s most loyal animal companion. On every page of this well-observed and very funny collection, there lies another indisputable certainty about dogs that Volker Kriegel succinctly portrays with his understated and wonderfully composed sketches. For intriguing ideas about potential cross-breeding to illuminating insights into different breeds" defecation procedure, this is a book that has something for all members of the dog-loving community. From the wellied country gent with his boisterous pair of black labradors to the snazzy urbanite with preened poodle in step and even further afield to professed dog haters, everyone will find some aspect of canine existence that rings true in these hilarious sketches and that will consequently bring them to fits of laughter.