The Smugglers" Caves

Price 11.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781849234351

Brand Youwriteon

Jack spends a lot of time in the Hastings caves - who wouldn"t if they lived with Beth, stepmum from hell? What kind of hold does sinister Beth have over Jack"s dad? Who was Lady Macbeth? Is Beth a modern-day Lady Macbeth with blood on her hands? And why is a frightened little terrier with a bulging stomach led into the caves one evening and dragged out next morning looking very thin? If she"s had puppies, where are they now? What is hidden in the secret cavern at the end of the spooky Monks" Walk? These are just a few of the questions Jack and his friends need to find answers to. The Smugglers" Caves is a story full of fun, mystery and suspense, that puts Hastings, with its busloads of foreign students and its eccentric local characters, as firmly on the map today as William the Conqueror did in 1066.