English Language Teaching in Engineering Colleges: An Overview of Course Design and Teaching Methodology

Time has changed and so have the professional and academic scenarios. We are witnessing scientific and technological revolutions world over, making life move really fast to catch up with the changes taking place around us. With these changes it is becoming increasingly important that industry and academia should be linked so that the human resource stepping out of the academic world is ready to join the professional mainstream without much effort and training. Educationists do realize their responsibility and the need for contributing towards the enrichment of academics to make it more suitable to the corporate requirements. Since in the professional courses the focus is on making the graduates fit for serving the industry, the present study, English Language Teaching in Engineering Colleges: An Overview of Course Design and Teaching Methodology, is a step towards analyzing the current competence of the graduates in the context of the industry requirements. The objective is also to review the curriculum and the teaching methodology so as to assess the gaps that need to be bridged for bringing the competence level of the graduates closer to the industry’s expectations.