Infantile Nutrition-An Update: 4th International Symposium "Progress in Infantile Nutrition", Naples, May 10-12, 1990 (Beitraege Zur Infusionstherapie)
Price 67.61 USD
A proper diet is very important in providing an intake of nutrients corresponding to the needs of the growing child and in avoiding nutritional problems either of excess or deficiency. This volume, based on an international symposim, updates information on topical issues in infantile nutrition. Focusing on three main areas, the expert contributions discuss weaning as performed in different cultural environments and its relationship to developing immunological and digestive functions, the role of trace elements in health and disease, as well as nutrition in the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases. Pediatricians, neonatologists and nutritionists will find in this book much relevant material concerning the improvement of child health by nutritional strategies.