Independent Film and Videomakers Guide

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780941188012

Wiese"s book sets itself apart in terms of balancing the creative aspects of filmmaking (idea development, brainstorming exercises) with the business aspects (financing, dealmaking).communicating to the beginning filmmaker how to realistically get a film made. Today"s independent filmmaker needs to understand the business aspects of filmmaking if he or she expects to have their work shown, and Michael Wiese"s book provides practical strategies for fundraising, scheduling, budgeting, marketing, as well as creative exercises for story development. This is a new edition of an established textbook and manual. It has been thoroughly updated to reflect the technology and business environment of independent filmmaking in the 90"s, and completely reorganized on the basis of years of presentations to audiences around the world. It now provides valuable exercises and projects at the end of each chapter. · A detailed step-by-step guide for the beginning producer who is serious about filmmaking not only as a craft but also as a business -- · Lots of anecdotes and real-life examples · Exercises and projects with each chapter-