Seeds of Change S10673 Certified Organic Butternut Winter Squash

Price 3.86 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 748404010699

Butternut Tender Annual 4-5-pound. (100-110-day) Productive Waltham strain yielding classic tan, bell-shaped fruits with bright orange, moist, sweet, smooth flesh. Delicious in soups, baked, or steamed. Stores well into late winter. Planting Depth: 1/2-1-inch, Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-85-Degree F, day to Germination: 3-8 Avg. Spacing: 2 seeds/foot in rows 5-6-foot apart Avg. Seeding Rate: 2-4-pound./acre-day to Maturity: 100-110 Full Sun Moderate Water, 25 Seed Count.