Corruption, Money Laundering and Law (2 Parts)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788183243865

Today, Corruption is a great problem, a menace and of course a burning issue. It s termed as an evil and a curse. In practical life, political corruption is the abuse of public power, office or resources by government officials or employees for personal gain. Systemic corruption is the complete subversion of a political or economic system. Police corruption is a specific form of police misconduct. Corporate corruption is to incorporate criminality and the abuse of power by officials in corporate matters. In India, political and bureaucratic corruption are major concerns. India is ranked 87th out of 178 countries, in a global survey. Recently, there has been an upsurge in land protests against corruption. There were widespread public agitations and movements, led by social activists, against corruption and for the return of illegal wealth stashed by politicians and businessmen in foreign banks over the past six decades, since independence. In money laundering, India tops the list of black money holders in the entire world. Criminalisation is also a serious problem in contemporary Indian politics. Now, there is a strong, mass supported movement against corruption, with a demand for comprehensive reforms in anti-corruption system in India. Present work is a good reference book for knowing corruption in all dimensions. It s an asset for all scholars, researchers, social activists and students. Contents: Preface Quotes on Corruption Part One Menace of Corruption 1. Introduction Definition of Corruption Roots of Corruption Perception of Corruption History of Corruption Some Questions about Corruption Conditions Favourable to Corruption Factors, Causing Corruption Noble-Cause Corruption Anti-corruption Resource Centre What is Governance? Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) 2. Types of Corruption Classification of Corruption Political Corruption Electoral Fraud Governmental Corruption Bureaucratic Corruption Corruption in Police Institutional Corruption Corruption in Educational Sector Corruption in Medical Area TI India 3. Dimensions of Corruption Bakhshish Crony Capitalism Honest Services Fraud 4. Corruption in India An Overview Other Aspects Situation in India National Scenario Politics Bureaucracy Judiciary Armed Forces Income Tax Medicine Media Land and Property Religious Institutions Causes of Corruption Effects of Corruption Measures to Combat Corruption 5. Major Scandals in India 2G Spectrum Scam (2011) ISRO-Devas S band Scam (2011) Adarsh Housing Society Scam (2011) Hasan Ali Khan Scam (2011) Commonwealth Games Scam (2010) Indian Premier League Scam (2010) Housing Loan Scam (2010) Belekeri Port Scam (2010) Lavasa Scam (2010) U. P. Food Grain Scam (2010) A. P. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Scam (2010) Madhu Koda Scam (2009) Satyam Scandal (2009) Cash-for-Vote Scandal (2008) Abdul Karim Telgi Scam (2006) Gegong Apang Scandal (2004) Taj Corridor Scandal (2003) Ketan Parekh Scandal (2001) Tehelka Expose (2001) Securities Scam 2001 Barak Missile Scandal (2000) Hawala Scandal (1997) Fodder Scam (1996) Sukh Ram Telecom Equipment Scandal (1996) Lavalin Scandal (1995) Palmolein Oil Import Scam (1992) Securities Scam (1992) Bofors Scandal (1987) Cement Scam (1982) Kairon Scam (1964) Haridas Mundhra Scam (1957) Part Two Campaign against Corruption 6. Anti-corruption Movement 2011 The Background Drafting Committee of the Bill First Lokpal Bill Draft Meeting Use of Social Networks Nonpartisan Nature Government Response Political Response Failed Meetings 7. Fighting Corruption