Seeds of Change S14155 Certified Organic Sugar Baby Watermelon
Price 2.58 - 4.99 USD
Sugar Baby Watermelon Tender Annual 10-12-pound. (60-65-day) A summertime treat, Sugar Baby sets an abundance flavorful fruit on compact vines. Thick, near black rinds at maturity. The quality and sweetness of the flesh is good and the smaller overall size makes icebox cooling easy. A must on any farmstand during long, hot summers. Planting Depth: 1/2-inch 1-inch, Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-95-Degree F, day to Germination: 3-8 Plant Spacing: 2-foot-3-foot day to Maturity: 70-85 Full Sun Moderate Water, 35 Seed Count.