Seeds of Change S10642 Certified Organic Red Russian Kale
Price 3.95 USD
Red Russian Kale Heirloom Hardy Biennial (50-60-day) Old favorite is an excellent red-veined bunching kale. Sweeter and more tender than other kales during warm weather, yet also tolerates extreme cold. Color deepens in the cold. 24-30-inch plant height. Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2-inch Soil Temperature for Germination: 60-65-Degree F, day to Germination: 5-10 Avg. Spacing: 4-8 seeds/foot in rows 12-18-inchapart Avg. Seeding Rate: 1-2-pound./acre-day to Maturity: 50-60 Partial Shade/Full Sun Moderate Water, 100 Seed Count.