Jay Street Coffee Medium Roasted Mocha -- 16.9 fl oz
Price 2.09 USD
Take To The StreetsIn downtown Brooklyn they walk the cobblestone streets near the office to draw inspiration. It was there on Jay Street that they had the idea to bottle a better iced coffee. Like its urban origins, Jay Street Coffee is authentic, strong, and proud. Not overly sweet, but always rich in flavor. What Is A Medium Roast?Also known as Full City Roast, Medium Roast best preserves the flavor of the top quality Arabica beans, creating a coffee that is smooth, balanced, and mildly sweet, without an acidic taste. Fresh Brewed - Bottled with just the right heat to maintain freshness and flavor100% Arabica - A rich, yet smooth bean for balance and characterMedium Roasted - Roasted to provide a mildly sweet taste without the acidityrBst Free - Only milk coming form dairy herds, not treated with rBST is used