Shoyeido - Magnifiscents - The Angelic Series Hope 30 Sticks

Price 5.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 32110213025

Brand Shoyeido

Manufacture Shoyeido Corporation

A balance of frankincense and sandalwood helps to restore one"s energy, lending strength and optimism to the present. 30 sticks - 5.25" (13.5 cm) long, plus a biodegradable incense holder. Approximate burning time: 30 minutes per stick. (Some packages may say 35 sticks, but the actual content is 30 sticks or more) Ingredients: Sandalwood (Santalum), Frankincense (Olibanum), Vanilla (Vanilla fructus), Ginger Lily (Hedychii rhizoma) and other spices.