Sol e Mar Ao Vivo em Montreux Jazz Festival-OLODUM
Olodum is an internationally acclaimed Afro-Brazilian cultural group from Bahia, Brazil. Olodum (pronounced oh-lo-doon) was founded in 1979 as a bloco afro (African Bloc), a Bahian Carnival association highlighting African heritage and black pride through music, dance theater, and art. From their home city of Salvador da Bahia in Northeast Brazil (often described as the most African city in the Americas), Olodum has dedicated itself to cultural activism in the struggle against racial discrimination and socioeconomic inequality.SONGS:Alegria GeralDeusa Do AmorGirassolSamba RapNossa GenteRequebraBerimbauPout Pourria) Protesto Do Olodumb) Revolta Olodumc) Faraó Divindade Do Egitod) Madagascar Olodumb) Raça Negróidec) Ladeira Do PelôRosaAs Duas HistóriasValente NordesteSamba ReggaeBalaOnda AzulVerão OlodumSeduzSucata De SomZumbi ReiRatatá