The Apache Adventures: The War Chief & Apache Devil

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781846774256

Brand Leonaur Ltd

The Apache Devil versus the United States Army A man, a woman and a small child are crossing the American desert in a wagon. Suddenly they are ambushed by Apaches. The child-a boy-is spared and taken into the tribe. Raised as one of their own, he becomes the ultimate Apache warrior-son of the great Geronimo and implacable enemy of the white man. Unaware of his white blood, those who speak of it pay with their lives. And yet there is something unknown within him that makes him aware that he is somehow different. These two tales of the battles of the decline of the Apaches way of life are well researched by Burroughs and transcend the standard "Western" novel. The writer has attempted a real insight into Apache customs, language and mind-set which-perhaps strangely-creates an alien world more convincingly than his interplanetary romances. Enthusiasts will be encouraged to learn that these are still a rollicking pair of adventures full of action and intrigue. Both Apache novels are present in this single edition making it a welcome addition to your Edgar Rice Burroughs library.