Amazing Grains: Creating Vegetarian Main Dishes with Whole Grains

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780915811212

Brand Hj Kramer

Amazing Grains features low-fat, high fiber, virtually cholesterol free and ecologically sound recipes for tasty and nutritious main dishes that emphasize whole grains and vegetables. In addition, it offers in-depth explanations of the creative process in cooking. Application of the techniques found in Amazing Grains will free the reader forever from dependence on recipes. Each recipe includes discussion of how the dish was created, why a particular ingredient or technique was chosen, and the results of substituting other methods and ingredients. By examining the process, readers can learn how to apply the basic principles in new and creative ways. Included are chapters on ingredients, the creative process, cooking methods, sauces, as well as information on nutrition and cookware choices. Charts and worksheets help readers develop and record their own creative grain dishes.