Joy to the World

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781562929367

Brand Honor Books

Christmas is a time of joy. Our carols call us to rejoice. Our Christmas cards are covered with such cheerful words as "Merry Christmas", "Joy to the World", and "Happy Holidays". Something about the holiday season stirs up joyful emotions; and the reason that we celebrate causes us to overflow in acts of charity, hospitality, and generosity. This book will give you even more to be joyful about by sharing the joys of yesterday, tomorrow"s hope of eternity, and suggestions to make this present-day Christmas a joyful time. You will enjoy reading the Christmas carols and quotations from the past about Christmas joy. The trivia that we have included will show you how Christmas joy looked in the past, while the recipes and suggestions will help you to make this present Christmas on e of the most joyful.