Chakras: Balance Your Energy Flow for Health and Harmony

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781841810294

Sacred knowledge of the chakra system is thousands of years old and found in most cultures and spirtual traditions. They can be viewed as the central energetic force of our existence and are fundamental to our holistic health and well-being. Knowledge of the chakras can be used for personal development, healing and transformation and although many people are familiar with the word chakra few know how to utilise this powerful source of energy. Chakras offers a comprehensive introduction to these spinning energy centres and provides numerous techniques for positively influencing vital energy. Drawing on a wealth of practical and theoretical experience the author successfully unfolds the secrets of old and makes them available for use in everyday life. Each of the seven major chakras is explored in detail, yoga exercises and meditations are offered to help us integrate body and mind. Symbols and animals totems of the chakras are clearly explained. The use of colours, gems and flower essences are all described showing how we can balance the flow of vibrational energy in every chakra. Chakras provides the information required to enable readers to begin work with the chakras.Each chakra is illustrated and explained to enable the reader to begin a practical journey of healing and self-discovery.