Higher Education in China
Price 79.95 USD
Higher Education in China offers a comprehensive introduction to the past and present of higher education in China. After giving a brief account of the origin and historical development of higher education in China, the book discusses in detail the various aspects of the current system of higher education in the People s Republic of China its structure, management, admissions, graduate employment, undergraduate and postgraduate education, specialized education, research and teaching staff. The authors highlight some of the distinguishing characteristics of higher education in China: its long history, enormous size, centralized management, the pragmatic trend and many non-formal forms. This book aims at helping international readers make sense of the amazingly huge and complex machinery that higher education in China is today. After reading the book, readers will have a better understanding of what higher education in China is and how it works. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the field of higher education, and international readers interested in higher education in China.