A Long Way to Tierra Del Fuego

Price 16.77 - 17.06 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781853905100

A story of a journey from Valparaiso, and from Louisburgh in Ireland, to Tierra del Fuego. Travelling by land and sea through some of the most remote and desolately beautiful landscapes in South America, the author reached a part of the world that has been the subject of legends, hopes, disasters, and dreams; the lonely coasts and windy steppelands of Patagonia. But the book, like the journey, is also about childhood and its dreams, adult choices and their consequences, and the tenacity of early or ancestral influences and landscapes on individual life. It is about images and desires that may go underground for a long time but don"t necessarily die. It took the author decades to get to Tierra del Fuego, but when she finally arrived on the long-dreamt-of shore she found that the journey was a liberating moment for her at the beginning of a new life in South America.