Schenker Guide: A Brief Handbook and Website for Schenkerian Analysis
Price 44.13 - 48.95 USD
SchenkerGUIDE is an accessible overview of Heinrich Schenker"s complex but fascinating approach to the analysis of tonal music. The book has emerged out of the widely used website,, which has been offering straightforward explanations of Schenkerian analysis to undergraduate students since 2001. Divided into four parts, SchenkerGUIDE offers a step-by-step method to tackling this often difficult system of analysis. Part I is an introduction to Schenkerian analysis, outlining the concepts that involved in analysis. Part II outlines a unique and detailed working method to help students to get started on the process of analysis Part III puts some of these ideas into practice by exploring the basics of a Schenkerian approach to form, register, motives and dramatic structure. Part IV provides a series of exercises from the simple to the more sophisticated, along with hints and tips for their completion.REVIEW of SchenkerGUIDESchenkerGUIDE has been reviewed very positively in the 2009 issue of Music Analysis by Dr Antonio Cascelli, who concludes that: "[SchenkerGUIDE] offers a series of highly useful practical tips to students and instructors,alerting the latter to the most common mistakes that students make in the early stages of studying Schenkerian analysis. In simple and lucid language, Pankhurst is also careful to present Schenkerian analysis as just one possible interpretative pathway to the understanding of music and to make students aware of some of the criticisms that have been levelled at Schenker"s theoretical and analytical concepts. It is a deliberately brief handbook, which will be most useful if and when complemented with other texts."