The Eucharistic Prayer at Sunday Mass

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781568540214

The eucharistic prayer is at the heart of the ritual we call Mass, but it is often neglected or hurried by those entrusted with its presentation. Many times it is overshadowed by other rites done well or devalued by a hurried attitude. As a bridge from theory to practice, this book examines the eucharistic prayer in a search for practical ways to reestablish it in its rightful place of prominence. In the back you will find three reproducible bulletin inserts, in English and in Spanish, that can be used to share information about the eucharistic prayer, posture and acclamations with the entire parish. Similar to its predecessor, The Communion Rite at Sunday Mass by Gabe Huck, The Eucharistic Prayer at Sunday Mass is a book of history, theology and practicality. Paperback, 8 1/2 x 9, 154 pages.