Teaching English in Primary Classrooms

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781858561783

fun exploring the words we use for history, geography, poetry and the media and how these are put together to create accurate and appropriate meanings.In chapter two Susan Moule describes how she applied collaborative learning in a class of 8-year-olds, first to writing a "mini-saga" and then to extending the understanding of verbs.The whole schedule is set out for other teachers to follow. Keith Peterson gives a similar detailed account in chapter three of 9-year-olds learning collaboratively about the future tense, and in chapter four Mona Drover deals with relative pronouns and the possessive "s," before moving on to a concluding chapter. The book is copiously illustrated with children"s work, as they see grammar come to life as never before in the classroom.The book will be invaluable to all elementary school teachers and anyone concerned with the development of children"s written and spoken English.