Bluegrass Champion (Harlequin Hullabaloo)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780448022710

After their parents" deaths, two sisters are determined to fulfill their father"s dream of turning their farm into a well-known name in the Saddlebred world. Gail Carter"s lovely chestnut filly looks like a world beater, yet when she enters the ring never places. Judy"s gelding, Harlequin Hullabaloo, is perfect in Judy"s eyes, yet no judge can see past his colorful pinto markings. With their two horses, one whose chances are unpromising and the other an obvious winner, they set out to be champions. Unfortunately, the winner isn"t as obvious as she seems, and an unpromising horse becomes an astounding winner when Judy Carter breaks the prejudice against pinto Saddlebreds and has a chance to win the World Five-gaited Championships with her wildly colored Hullabaloo.