OECD Investment Policy Reviews OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Costa Rica 2013
Price 78.69 - 79.00 USD
OECD"s comprehensive review of investment policy in Costa Rica. After an overview of the country, the review examines investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation as well as infrastructure in Costa Rica. Table of Content :Acronyms and abbreviations Executive summary Assessment and recommendations -The role of FDI in Costa Ricas economic development -Costa Ricas investment regime and the OECD National Treatment instrument -Costa Ricas policy framework for investment -Costa Ricas adherence to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises -Costa Ricas policy framework for green investment Chapter 1. The role of FDI in Costa Ricas economic development -Introduction -Overview of the Costa Rican economy -The role of FDI in Costa Ricas development -References Chapter 2. Costa Ricas investment regime and the OECD National Treatment instrument -Main features of Costa Ricas investment regime -Exceptions to the National Treatment instrument notified by Costa Rica -Measures notified under the National Treatment instrument by Costa Rica for transparency -Rationale for the existing restrictions and plans for phasing them out -Costa Ricas position under the instrument of the OECD Declaration on Investment Incentives and Disincentives -Costa Ricas position under the instrument of the OECD Declaration on Conflicting Requirements -FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index for Costa Rica Chapter 3. Costa Ricas policy framework for investment -Investment policy -Investment promotion and facilitation -Trade policy -Competition policy -Human resource development -Infrastructure development -Financial sector development -Public governance and anti-corruption -References Chapter 4. Costa Ricas adherence to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises -Establishment of a National Contact Point -General policies for promoting responsible business conduct in Costa Rica -Costa Ricas policies in specific areas covered by the Guidelines -References Chapter 5. Costa Ricas policy framework for green investment -Challenges and opportunities for green growth in Costa Rica -Costa Ricas commitment to green growth -Policies in support of green investment -Incentives and access to finance for green investment -Promoting green business conduct and stakeholder participation in green growth