Myth and Meaning

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780883432990

This book will be a pleasant surprise it respects you intelligence. It assumes you are not only interested in good stories about our ancient past but also that you realize there must be fore to them than just strange and fantastic people. Myths are not mere short stories. They are a unique form of literature which often serves a variety of functions. Myths must be explored on their own ground, at their own level. This text creates a basic framework for this exploration. It does not attempt to be inclusive-it cannot be. It demands that you extend yourself by reading the material or by further pursuing the problems that interest you. It asks you to explore ideas and concepts that satisfy the conditions of your analysis. The book assumes, that you will look for parallel situations with which you are familiar and will see in them similar situations (or questions) that affect your own life. Myth & Meaning provides a new understanding of mythology while at the same time offering a bit of comic relief. No subject is so serious or sacred that it cannot be laughed at. This book contains: