PROFUNDIDADES (Andanzas/ Adventures) (Spanish Edition)

Price 22.83 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788483103937

En octubre de 1914, pocos meses después del estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el oficial de la Marina sueca Lars Tobiasson-Svartman recibe la orden de embarcar en el acorazado Svea para cumplir una misión secreta relacionada con las rutas marítimas. Hidrógrafo experto en medir las profundidades marinas, Lars es un hombre reservado y silencioso acostumbrado a guardar las distancias con los demás, incluso con su delicada mujer, Kristina, a quien ha dejado en Estocolmo. Siempre ha soñado con encontrar un lugar donde la plomada con que realiza sus mediciones no toque fondo, y sospecha que en ese viaje tal vez se cumpla su sueño. / This bizarre and compelling tale from Swedish author Mankell, best known for his crime novels featuring detective Kurt Wallander (The Man Who Smiled, etc.), focuses on a tortured naval officer, Lars Tobiasson-Svartman, who has the important duty of taking soundings for secret naval channels in the approach to Stockholm at the outbreak of WWI. Like a skilled stonemason, Mankell builds his portrait of Svartman with infinite patience, adding details and highlights layer by layer: Svartman as a naval officer attached to but not a part of a crew; Svartman as husband to a wife willingly left behind as he pursues his secret mission; and Svartman as the obsessed seeker of Sara, the lone inhabitant of Halsskär, a desolate and isolated island. Mankell fully sounds the depths of Svartman"s obsessions in a way so artful as to appear artless, creating a masterful portrait not only of Svartman but of the women in his life. This is a memorable and shocking psychological study.