Romany Luck Book -- A Vintage Guide to Fortune Telling Using Zodiac Signs, Tea Leaves, Cards, Number

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781936049066

Originally published in the late 1930s, the Romany Luck book details 17 ways to read your fortune with illustrations and text instruction: what the planets reveal based on your zodiac symbol, how to read tea cups, your fortune by the cards, blindfold fortune, superstitions you should know, your number and you, your astral color, the color of your eyes, how to read your hand, what does your name mean, tickling tokens, good luck charms, dream analysis, influence of precious stones, apple fancies, marrying months, dreams of music. From the late 1800s through the 1930s, socializing parties were very popular and many charms and fortunes dealing with romanticism, predicting a mate and telling ones future were incorporated into parties. Some charms and fortune telling were taken seriously, others were just part of a good dinner party. Some were a bit odd, such as going out at midnight and pulling kale by the roots to foretell your future, others were more familiar such as cake charms, spinner fortune games, fortune punchboards, and fortune predicting like those in this book. Sample book pages are shown at the top of this page.