Stem Rust of Wheat: From Ancient Enemy to Modern Foe

Price 69.00 - 71.93 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780890542712

Stem Rust of Wheat: From Ancient Enemy to Modern Foe takes a historical look at the significance of major aspects of research on stem rust of wheat in the 20th Century. The exploration of plant pathology s response to stem rust can serve as a case study for assessing how plant pathology developed and functioned in its first full century. Stem rust of wheat is one of the most significant of all plant diseases. This new book commemorates nearly a half century without a major stem rust epidemic in any of the major wheat-producing regions of North America. This suggests remarkable achievements by plant pathologists in both the fundamental knowledge of the pathogen s biology and disease control. Just as the work on Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici by legendary plant pathology figures, including Anton De Bary and E. C. Stakman, has already advanced the understanding and appreciation of plant diseases, the historical research in this book will provide plant pathologists, plant breeders, mycologists, agronomists, historians, students, teachers and other scientists with insight into the work on stem rust of wheat in the 20th century and its impact on plant pathology s past and future. Norman Borlaug, esteemed plant pathologist who has spent 56 years battling the stem rust pathogen in many countries, has contributed the foreward of this book. He reiterates the question posed by the authors, Is the stem rust pathogen a vanquished enemy of the past or a menacing foe of the future?