Keyboard Guide
This "Keyboard Guide" shows the chords and their voicings, scales and harmonic relationships - in short, the building blocks of Western music - in compact form. This practical overview of chords, keys and harmonic relations has been specially designed with the jazz, rock and pop keyboardist in mind. It features a structure that makes it useful for beginners as well as advanced musicians, enabling students to improve their musical understanding. For beginners, the guide shows the basic scales, easy inversions, intervals and related keys with fingerings. For more advanced players, the guide shows numerous major, minor, seventh, diminished and augmented chords in several inversions, as well as modal, pentatonic and blues scales starting on the key note. All chords and scales are shown both on a keyboard diagram and in standard treble clef notation. Also included for those who wish a more thorough study is a chapter on the theory behind the various types of chords and scales.