Climb a Fallen Ladder: How to Survive (and Thrive!) in a Downsized America

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781886330962

Pink slipped. Axed. Downsized. Fired. Whatever you call it, it still means the same thing: you"re out of a job. This classic "bible of job survival" shows readers how to stay afloat in the turbulent economic times ahead. It has been a decade since the American economy has faced such a dramatic downturn. Corporate pressures to maintain profitability in these uncertain times have forced managers to lay off workers by the millions. Add to that the bursting of the internet bubble and you have a job-loss crisis of enormous proportions. Thankfully, there is a book that can help individuals deal with their circumstances intelligently, creatively, and with courage. Climb a Fallen Ladder offers hope and guidance for the millions who are suddenly unemployed and for those "working worried" still clinging to long-held jobs. Climb a Fallen Ladder helps readers turn their adversity into a profound opportunity for personal growth. It offers fresh insight and proven advice from a psychiatrist who regularly counsels men and women who are faced with job uncertainty or loss of employment.