Criminal & Addictive Thinking

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781568388434

Information, exercises, and activities in the Criminal & Addictive Thinking workbook will help offenders see that criminality and addiction are thinking problems before they become behavior problems. Offenders will learn: • how their thinking influences their feelings and behavior • how to recognize their own distorted thinking patterns (e.g., jumping to conclusions, selective focusing, excuse making) • how to stop criminal and addictive thinking patternsWorkbooks use phrases and describe situations that are familiar to criminals and addicts. Quotes from offenders underscore key concepts.Based on the real-life experiences of incarcerated addicts involved in substance abuse treatment, A New Direction workbooks get to the root of criminal and addictive thinking to help offenders: • see how their thought processes can keep them stuck in destructive behaviors • recognize the connection between addiction and criminal activity • develop new, healthier ways of relating to others • keep their recovery strong