A Smaller History of Greece

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781414210049

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1897 edition. Excerpt: ...the Peloponnesian armament, which, if vigorously employed, was powerful enough to put a speedy end to the war. In order to secure his return to Athens, Alcibiades further hoped to persuade Tissaphernes that it was more for the Persian interest to conclude a league with Athens than with Sparta; but the only part of his advice which the satrap seems to have sincerely adopted was that of playing off one party against the other. About this, however, Alcibiades did not at all concern himself. It was enough for his views, which had merely the aim of his own restoration to Athens, if he could make it appear that he possessed sufficient influence with Tissaphernes to procure his assistance for the Athenians. He therefore began to communicate with Athenians of influence at Samos, and held out the hope of a Persian alliance as the price of his restoration to his country. But as he both hated and feared the Athenian democracy, he coupled his offer with the condition that a revolution should be effected at Athens, and an oligarchy established. Many of the more wealthy and powerful Athenians at Samos were themselves eager to abolish the democracy, and greedily caught at this proposal of Alcibiades. The oligarchical conspirators formed themselves into a confederacy, and Pisander was sent to Athens to lay the proposal before the Athenian Assembly. It met, as it might be supposed, with the most determined opposition. The single but unanswerable reply of Pisander was the necessities of B.C. 411 AN OLIGARCHY AT ATHENS 207 the state; and at length the people gave way. Pisander and ten others were despatched to treat with Alcibiades and Tissaphernes. Upon their arrival in Ionia they informed Alcibiades that measures had been taken for establishing an oligarchical...