Pharmacology Recall Audio (Recall Series)
Price 40.51 - 52.59 USD
Access code to download this MP3 will ship upon purchase. Now you can study for course and USMLE exams on the run any time and anywhere with this audio version of Pharmacology Recall. With over 400 rapid-fire questions and answers in downloadable MP3 files, you can have this review tool available wherever you go to help you memorize the most crucial facts. Files can be used on any digital audio playback device. The questions and answers were developed by more than 20 MDs and medical students and reviewed by pharmacology experts. Now you can study for course and USMLE exams on the run any time and anywhere with this audio version of Pharmacology Recall. With over 400 rapid-fire questions and answers in downloadable MP3 files, you can have this review tool available wherever you go to help you memorize the most crucial facts. Files can be used on any digital audio playback device. The questions and answers were developed by more than 20 MDs and medical students and reviewed by pharmacology experts.