Ubuntu Linux Variety Pack on ONE DVD - Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10, 12.04, and 12.10 PLUS Lubuntu 11.10

Not sure which version of Ubuntu you want to use on your computer? Have more than one computer, but maybe they won"t all support the same version? With the PAE extension support being removed from version 12.04 onward, some older systems won"t support the newest version. Want to compare performance between the latest versions? Perhaps you want to see which one works best with your video card, sound card, motherboard, etc.. Maybe you want to try Lubuntu and see how it works compared to Ubuntu on an older computer.. With THIS DVD, you can do all of the above!! This awesome DVD is custom authored to include Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, plus a bonus - Lubuntu 11.10, a lightweight spinoff of Ubuntu, which uses LXDE as a desktop environment. Take the guesswork out of it! Get this DVD and give them all a spin, today!