Line of Vision (Nova Audio Books)

Price 25.21 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781587882128

A courtroom thriller about obsession, betrayal, and delicious revenge - all told by a mesmerizing and confident new writer of suspense. Marty Kalish is a young man suffocating in the heat of an affair with a married woman named Rachel. When Rachel"s husband disappears one night, Marty is one of the first to be questioned. With few likely suspects, the police arrest him for murder. We know Marty was outside their home that night. We know he has a motive. We know he"s guilty of something. But is it murder? Everything we learn - about Marty as a man, his affair with Rachel, and the night in question - comes from Marty himself. We want him to be innocent, but the more he tells us, the more we fear he is guilty. And as the twists and turns of the plot unfold, we can"t be completely sure.