Access Mathematics Test 1 (Primary), Form A
Price 27.06 USD
The Access Mathematics Tests provide quick, standardised maths assessment across a wide age and ability range, and are suitable for both group and individual testing. Separate tests cover ages 6 to 12 (Test 1) and 11 to 16+ (Test 2), each with parallel forms A and B to enable reliable "before and after" assessment and/or progress testing. Norms are given as both standardised scores and national curriculum levels (Test 1 also gives "maths ages"). The questions have been carefully designed to sample the mathematics curriculum against the new Framework, progressing through the age groups, while also minimising the reading demand upon pupils. Using the pencil-and-paper tests, you can assess a whole class in just 40-45 minutes, and evaluate group performance using the optional Scorer/Profiler CD-ROM. Alternatively, use Access Mathematics Test-interactive - available in single-user and networkable versions - for fully on-screen standardised assessment combined with instant, automated marking and diagnostic performance profiling across the full 6-16+ range.