Cash Flow Problem Solver: Common Problems and Practical Solutions

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780942061277

A profits-oriented approach to cash flow management for independent business owners/managers. Thousands of mangers have found this a superb tool for day-to-day management of a firm"s cash flow. Cash Flow Problem Solver was selected as an alternate of both the Business Week Book Club and the Fortune Book Club. Cash Flow Problem Solver serves as a valuable tool for day-to-day management of a firm"s cash flow. The discussion focuses on the management principles that can help a business manger or owner anticipate and avoid many potential cash flow problems. However, the best foresight cannot anticipate every cash flow problem. So, the discussion also illustrates how to handle the cash flow problems that do occur. The book"s focus centers on the basic principles that help orient positive cash flow management in a business. A positive effort goes beyond anticipating or overcoming cash flow problems. That effort can add significant dollars to a firm"s earnings. Positive cash flow management can become a new profit center for a business. You will find realistic examples of the positive principles in action. Then, you will find the action tools necessary to turn the potential increase in earnings into measurable bottom-line benefits.