Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD [AND] Surface Fitting and Multiresolution Methods
Price 89.98 - 90.00 USD
Carefully refereed and edited papers on the most current developments in the theory and applications of curves and surfaces. This volume, with its companion volume, contains a selection of papers presented at the Third International Conference on Curves and Surfaces which was held in June 1996 at Chamonix, France. Each book contains several invited survey lectures prepared by leading experts in the fields of approximation theory, computer- aided geometric design, numerical analysis, and wavelets. In addition, each book includes a number of closely related full-length research papers which have been refereed and meticulously edited. These books should be of great interest to mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists working in the field of Approximation Theory, Computer-Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), Computer Graphics, Numerical Analysis, CAD/CAM, and application areas.