Creed of the Mountain Man

Price 6.29 - 7.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780786033102

Smoke Jensen has tried to make peace with the land - and the past. But trying to outrun a reputation as a fearless gunslinger in the wilds of Colorado Territory can be life"s toughest game - especially when a man is playing against fate. This time it"s calling Smoke to the restless Wyoming range, to fight the bloodiest private war in America"s history. In Johnston County, vigilantes have become the law. Cattle rustlers have turned the great Powder River red with the blood of the innocent. And nothing"s going to stop the renegades from going barrel to barrel to steal the best grazing land in the Territory. But they meet their match in the likes of the kill-or-be-killed legend, Smoke Jensen. As the body count rises, the trail-hardened Smoke Jensen is set to strap on his brand of.44 calibre justice - and teach these outlaws that Hell is closer then they think.