When Parents Divorce or Separate: I Can Get Through This (Catholic Guide for Kids)
Price 10.76 USD
Divorce and separation are painful experiences, particularly for children. Author Lynn Cassella-Kapusinki-a child of divorce who is a National Certified Counselor with a background in pastoral counseling and experience in Catholic-based ministry programs for children of divorce or separation-knows this reality all too well. Formed by the truths of the Catholic faith and by what professionals in family counseling have found helpful, this guide through parental divorce and separation designed for children ages 8-12 blends faith with interactive elements. Whether you are a parent, guardian, caretaker, counselor, therapist, support group leader, or ministry program coordinator, with this resource, you can provide your child with a safe space for coping, healing, and growing. Chapters cover the entire experience of divorce or separation-its development, onset, duration, and aftermath-and acknowledge a child"s emotional, mental, and physical responses amidst these stages. Children can address their feelings through: - Realistic vignettes - Journaling spaces - Writing prompts - Drawing and coloring - Helpful tips and practical information - Reflection questions - Prayer Features & Benefits:- Contains a comforting "Note to Reader" - Contains a "Note to Parents and Other Family Members" - Draws upon teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church - Activities suit varying personalities - Helps children develop foundational communication, problem solving, anger management, and empathy skills - Defines terms that children may be unfamiliar with - Includes a glossary of terms not previously defined in the text - Offers a list of additional resources