World Destruction League: War Jetz - PlayStation 2
Price 6.28 USD
War Jetz is the sequel, in just about every way possible, to World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks. The only difference is instead of driving super-powerful, futuristic tanks across a colorful landscape, you"re piloting super-powerful, futuristic jets. This means gawking at pretty graphics, dodging enemy fire, blowing stuff up spectacularly, and doing it all an awful lot. There"s very little depth here, but a whole lot of good-time action fun. War Jetz is in full 3-D, featuring a third-person, over-the-shoulder (from the rear of the plane) perspective, and it offers lots of missions centering on basic gameplay concepts such as: capturing flags, destroying things after searching for them, and Grab-the-Bux, which is World Destruction League"s fancy term for money. Search and Destroy is the best mode, as the objectives tend to be really interesting. San Francisco gamers in particular will enjoy the mission where you have to destroy as many BART trains as possible. The controls are reminiscent of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron or Nintendo"s Star Fox series, and they work quite well with the PS2 controller. The strength of the game is the graphics and visuals, the deep booming sound of the explosions, the variety of craft you can fly, and the fast-paced action. Still, it will start to get old pretty quickly for most gamers. The game features interesting power-ups such as a Vampire Ray, air-to-air missiles, and more. The game features hilarious cutscenes and some decent, if silly, voice acting. Probably the only real disappointment here is the lack of a Thunder Tanks-style, four-player, split-screen option. Other than that, if you"ve got a jones for flying around, blowing stuff up, and mindless repetition, then this is the game for you. --Andrew S. Bub Pros: Great visuals Lots of planes and some great missions Hilarious cutscenes and dialogue Cons: