Shaolin Quan

Price 13.49 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9787119054612

The book starts by explaining.the idea of Shaolin quan. Thenit illustrates its originevolution, briefly introduces itsmajor schools, morementroutines and weapons,andexpilcitly explains the relation-ships between the relationZer.By practicing this simpleset,pelple can experience thehisto and strength of Shaolinquan...... Contents:-----------------------------------------------What is Shaolin quan?The international reputation of Shaolin martial artsShaolin quan in the south and the northIntegrating Chan with quart and understanding Chan through the practice of quanShaolin quart and healthThe art and weapons of Shaolin quartThe basic movements of Shaolin quanPoints to remember when doing Shaolin quartThe dietary regimen of the Shaolin Temple