The Practice of the Presence of God the Best Rule of a Holy Life - The Original Classic Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781743471166

Brand tebbo

I first learned about this wonderful little book through another very useful book entitled "Great Books of the Christian Tradition" by Terry Glaspey. Glaspey is a Christian booklover who"s well read in Christian literature and considers this book one of the top ten that every Christian ought to read. The value of Brother Lawrence"s book is seen in the fact that it is one of the favorites of some of the other authors on Glaspey"s top ten list: A.W. Tozer (author of "The Pursuit of God") and Richard Foster (author of "A Celebration of Discipline"). Another popular Christian author (who is a Quaker like Foster) that was influenced by Brother Lawrence is mentioned in the introduction by Hal Helms in Paraclete Press"s edition of "The Practice of the Presence of God": Hannah Whitall Smith (author of "The Christian"s Secret to a Happy Life"). Mrs. Smith called Lawrence"s book "one of the most helpful books I know." And still another Quaker, Thomas Kelly (author of the classic, "A Testament of Devotion"), treasured Brother Lawrence"s book as well. This is just a small handful of major authors influenced by this classic that testifies to its enduring value in the broader Christian community. I"ve read all of the above classics and therefore can personally testify that Brother Lawrence"s principles are reflected in all of them! Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (a.k.a. Nicholas Herman) lived in the 17th century and was a monk within the Carmelite Order of the Roman Catholic Church. This was the Order of such notable Christian mystics as St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross who authored other seminal mystical texts. "The Practice of the Presence of God" is a small book of compiled documents of various literary genres. The one who compiled them was the Abbe of Beaufort who is the author of the "Eulogy" portion of the book. He was a close friend to Brother Lawrence and, at the request of others, published his eulogy along with four conversations he had with Brother Lawrence and sixteen letters from Brother Lawrence to various individuals (Reverend Mother N {for "name"}, Reverend Father N, and Madame N). Also included in the compilation are Spiritual Maxims that condense his fundamental spiritual principles and teachings. Included in The Paraclete Press"s edition of this classic is a memoir from the Abbe de Beaufort entitled "Brother Lawrence"s Way of Life", published around two years after his Eulogy and recorded conversations. Overall, The Paraclete Press"s edition is a good compilation and translation (by Robert Edmonson) of this classic work. The title of the book speaks volumes as to what the book is about. Brother Lawrence was a very practical man whose struggles were common ones that we can all relate to. His sincere honesty (and that of the Abbe) is apparent throughout and his spirituality is simple to understand. Application, however, may not be so simple at first, but with disciplined PRACTICE one can turn one"s life into a perpetual prayer to God. Remember, prayer is more than just words on the lips (although that is important too!); it is a humble attitude of a heart that has abandoned itself to the God of grace! Whatever the task is at hand (including such a mundane task as washing dishes like Brother Lawrence), one can offer it up to God in an act of love and worship. Everything one does becomes sanctified as one lives unto God and follows the Holy Spirit"s leading. Two wonderful companion volumes to this book are "Abandonment to Divine Providence" by Jean-Pierre de Caussade (one of my favorites!) and the Eastern Orthodox classic "The Way of a Pilgrim" by an anonymous Russian pilgrim. The former beautifully expounds on the same principles of Brother Lawrence"s book and the latter reflects that same concern to "pray without ceasing" which is what practicing the presence of God is all about.