What the Web Can Be (macromedia wwwhat? awards 2000)
Price 36.12 USD
Right now, at the beginning of the 21st Century we are grappling with the reality of a medium more pervasive than anything the world has previously seen. The internet may have made the virtual world a reality, but we are still struggling to harness the power of its interactivity and trying to understand "what the web can be". This superb book showcases the websites created by the 105 finalists in The Macromedia wwwhat? Awards 2000 contest, which attracted over 1,000 entries from aspiring and accomplished web designers worldwide. April Greiman, John Warwicker (Tomato), Harry Saddler and the entire IdN creative team were amongst the judges who faced the awesome job of selecting the best entries. Winners included Eric Jordan, Rich Cando, digit, move design, Brendan Dawes, 123 Klan, dhky, fjd, tree-axis, and many more. CD-ROM included