Ohio State University Bulletin (Volume 12, No. 9)
Price 12.97 - 14.08 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1908. Excerpt: ... Announcements of the Departments The following list presents a brief description of the advanced courses offered in the Graduate School suitable to form constituent parts of "major" and "minor" studies. Discrimination has not been attempted in all cases between purely graduate courses and those which are also open to advanced undergraduates in the College of Arts, Philosophy, and Science. Many of the courses mentioned are of the latter class, but are suited to the needs of many holders of a Bachelor"s degree. It should be remembered also that in many cases the work of graduate students consists of individual reading, experiment, investigation, and research in some special line or subject not covered by any announced " course" and not involving or calling for attendance upon regular lecture or class. Such graduate work is obviously incapable of announcement and description as a "course." For further information as to any course announced on the following pages, and regarding the special work mentioned above, consult the department concerned. AMERICAN HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE (Office, Room 207, University Hall.) PROFESSOR KNIGHT.t PROFESSOR SPENCER, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TANNER, MR. DYKSTRA. The courses in American history named below presuppose a good foundation course of at least a year of collegiate character in the political history of the country from the early colonial period; also a good collegiate course in European history and English political history. At least a fair knowledge of American political institutions is expected. The advanced work in political science is in all cases closely dependent upon historical knowledge, the amount and kind varying for different courses. In general, the graduate student should have tAbsent on leave, 1908-1909...