Handy Weather Answer Book

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781578590544

Well written at a level that is enjoyable to everyone. I highly recommend this book to any lay reader, weather watcher or atmospheric professional. – The Weather Doctor. Everyone has something to say about the weather. Former NASA researcher and professional meteorologist Dr. Walter A. Lyons and his Handy Weather Answer Book® just have more to say than most. As one reader nearly exclaimed, Weather has never been more exciting. Where else can you find the answer to the existential question: Do mobile homes attract tornadoes? Find the answer in the chapter aptly named, Tornadoes, 25 pages on hot and bothered air. From cloud formations to rainbow development, Handy Weather takes on the controversial climate issues of the day and provides the weather aficionado as well as the more casual enthusiast with a cornucopia of weather facts and trivia, a good thing given the title and intent. More than 1,000 questions are expertly and clearly answered by Dr. Walt as he covers the greenhouse effect and global warming, smog and acid rain, earthquakes and volcanoes, thunder and lightning, forecasting and careers in meteorology, thunderstorms and winter blasts, weather"s effect on the human body, droughts and flash floods, hurricanes and tropical storms, and much, much more, plus fascinating weather-related phenomena like El Niño, Aurora Borealis, and St. Elmo"s Fire. A great book for a rainy day.