Faded Coat of Blue: A Novel

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780060937669

Brand Perennial

In this "winning blend of history and mystery" (Booklist), Owen Parry brings to life the story of Abel Jones, a Welsh immigrant and Union army enlistee. Jones finds himself mysteriously chosen as confidential agent to General George McClellan, the "savior of the Union." No stranger to the cruel paradoxes of war, Jones is asked to investigate the death of Anthony Fowler, a young volunteer captain shot through the heart. Instantly, his murder is blamed on the Confederates. But whispers haunt the death of this fallen martyr, leading Abel Jones from the blood of the battlefield through the intrigues of Washington, D.C., and into a web of secrets and sinister relationships where evil and good intertwine . . . and where heroes fall prey to those who cherished them the most.